Santa: It's earth Hour, switch off all lights! Pappu: Papa, there's no electricity since morning. Santa: Never mind, switch off the buttons. At least, we can take the feeling!
Santa to Banta, "Did you hear that joke about the Egyptian guide who showed some tourists two skulls of Cleopatra - one as a girl and one as a woman?" Banta: No, let's hear it.
A police officer came up to Santa to enquire about a recent crime. Policeman: Where were you between four and six? Santa: Kindergarten!
Santa: Did you hear about the Irish abortion clinic? Banta: What's to it? Santa: It has a 12-month long waiting list!
Santa: My nephew asked me what marriage was like! Banta: So what did you tell him? Santa: I gave him a candy bar and told him not to eat it!
A down and out beggar walked up to Santa on the street and said, "Sir, I haven't eaten in three days'. Santa: Force yourself or probably consult some good doctor!