Jeeto: You didn't have a rag on your back when I married you. Santa: Anyway, I've plenty of them now!
Doctor to Santa: You will die within 2 hours. Do you want to see any one before you die? Santa : Yes. A good doctor!
Santa: My wife is so naughty. She always kidding with me. Banta: How? Santa: Yesterday I went home. And I put my hands on her eyes. She said: It's you the watchman!
Santa: I think I'll go upstairs and send Pinky's fiancee home. Jeeto: Now, you need to remember the way we used to court. Santa: Oh My Gosh, I hadn't thought of that. Out he goes!
Santa went to a restaurant in China. Waiter: Sir, I have Stewed Liver, Boiled Tongue and Frog's Legs. Santa: I am not a doctor who can address your health problems. I am hungry. So just get me a Menu Card!
Santa is in the bathroom and his wife, Jeeto shouts from outside: Could you find the shampoo? Santa: Yes, but I'm not sure what to do... it's for dry hair, and I've just wet mine!