If I were an artist, you would be my picture. If I were a poet, you would be my inspiration. If I were an author you would be my story. . . . . But when it comes to you, I would rather prefer to be a cartoonist!
Have you done two of the most important things when you woke up today? 1. Pray, so that you may live. . . . . . . 2. Take a bath so that others may live, too!
Think of any of the below numbers: 100 200 250 300 400 500 600 750 1000 . . . Now get my phone charged for the amount you thought. Then I shall tell you, how much balance did I get. Don't laugh it off, hurry up!
When you are restless at all times; When you feel angry and irritated; When you feel lazy and lethargic; When you lose interest in everything; When there's no brightness in your life... . . . . . . . Stupid, it doesn't mean that there's no electricity. It simply means you badly need a vacation!
A simple way to impress any girl: . . . . . . . . If you know it, please apply it. What are you looking here?
I'm on a mission. A mission: To avoid you; To forget you; To not to talk to you; To not to think about you anymore. In short, it's . . . . MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!
When your life is in darkness, pray to God, ask him to free you from darkness. And if you still remain in darkness, . . . . . Please pay your Electricity Bill!
It's a humble request to all my dear friends not to send messages like "Forward to 10 people, otherwise you'll have misfortune" or "Bad Luck shall follow you for 10 years" or "Dekhte hi Like Karo"... because this does not change or luck. Luck does not change by forwarding messages, it changes with hard work and dedication. Must forward this message to all your friends if you want to get good news in 24 hours!
Think Well Plan Well Do Well Sleep Well Play Well Laugh Well And throw your mobile also into a well... because you are not messaging me well!
This message contains a virus that effects the brain. . . . . . . You're damn lucky. This virus couldn't effect you as it couldn't find it!
You are the one who is Charming, You are the one who is Intelligent, Your are the one who is Cute. And I am the one who is... . . . . . . . spreading these rumours!