Newbie - There are so many problems to solve


Newbie - there are so many problems to solve. i dispair. wise old programmer - don't dispair there is a solution that will solve every problem except one. newbie - (excited) really ... what is it? wise old programmer - every problem, except one, can be solved by adding another abstraction layer. newbie - (ponders this for a moment and then smiles) you are right. every problem i have can be solved by adding another level of abstraction. newbie - (then he pauses and frowns) but what is the exception? i don't see any exceptions, for each problem i see how another abstraction layer creates a more elegant solution. wise old programmer - every problem can be solved by adding another abstraction layer, except the problem of having too many levels of
Abstraction. newbie thinks for a moment and then leaves room having suddenly decided to rejoin the family dry cleaning business.