Programmers Life : Manager : How long would it take you to implement a dialer for


Programmers life : manager : how long would it take you to implement a dialer for our customers alarm system in c++? programmer : do you have any requirements i can take a look at? manager : no, but it is simply a dialer, so come on now. programmer : i won't be able to give you an estimate if i don't know what it needs to do. manager : well the alarm system has a 2k eprom, so come on now. programmer : i can fill that eprom with zero's or ones with in 15 minutes for you, or does it need to do anything particular? manager : of course it does, you idiot , i just told you the customer need a dialer!!! programmer : hmmm, ok... programmer : do you have any requirements i can take a look at? manager : ???!!!