Santa: a thief broke into our house last night. he was searching for money. banta: what did you do? santa: i got up, turned on all the lights and started searching with him!
Santa: i hate to hear jeeto struggling with the housework. banta: so what do you do about it? santa: i just turn up the tv volume.
Santa: i am fed up of my life. banta: now what happened? santa: everytime i'm about to win an argument with my wife, someone wakes me up!
Jeeto: could you please go and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6. a short time later santa comes back with 6 cartons of milk. jeeto: why did you buy 6 cartons of milk? santa: they had eggs.
Santa: for husbands, keeping wives happy is a job of our "left hand". banta: so why don't men do it? santa: unfortunately, 95% of men are actually "right handed"!
In the middle of a fight, santa said, "let's not quarrel, let's discuss the things sensibly. "no," said angry jeeto, "every time we discuss sensibly, i lose!"
Santa: my wife said, she needed some space in her life. banta: so what steps are you taking? santa: i agreed and hung 2 "star wars" posters in the kitchen.
Jeeto suggested to his husband, "we should get a lock on the bathroom door, since my mother will be staying with us for a few months". so santa set to work. when he'd finished, jeeto shouted, "*&%#$@ that's really funny, i meant on the inside".
Santa: it's too late in the night. you better stay over here only. banta: it makes sense. i better get my night-suit from my house. santa: good. come soon.
Santa took his broken down car for repair. the mechanic fixed it in two minutes. santa: what happened? mechanic: just shit in the air filter. santa: how often do i have to do that?