At Dinner Table: Husband: How many times I have told you not to look at Whatsapp in your mobile while cooking? There is no salt and tamarind in the Rasam. Wife: How many times did I tell you not to watch Facebook in your mobile on the mobile when you eat? It is not Rasam but you added water to rice!
Friend: I am finally over my ex. Me: Wow, time to celebrate. I will quickly change and then we'll go out. Excuse me. Friend: Yeah, Ex used me too!
There was this young man who was in love with two women. He loved one because she wrote beautiful poetry. He loved the other because she made incredible pancakes. He couldn't decide whether to marry for batter or for verse!
Did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness? He pastaway. Cannoli do so much. Now he's just a pizza history!