'luck' and 'fuck' are directly proportional to each other. when 'luck' favours, you can 'fuck' the whole world; but when 'luck' fails, the whole world begins to 'fuck' you!
When a male octopus finds a mate, he rips off his penis and throws it at the female so she can inseminate herself. then the male grows a new penis. if that isn't the most epic way to tell someone "go fuck yourself" i don't know what is!
Why do 'balls' equate to toughness and 'pussy' equates to weakness when even the slightest flick to the nuts sends a guy to his knees and vaginas can push out an entire human being?
Soda becomes vodka. bikes become cars. kisses turn into sex. remember when dad's shoulders were the highest place on earth and mum was your hero? race issues were about who ran the fastest. war was only a card game. the most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? and we couldn't wait to grow up!
Snow is like a cock. it's measured in inches and soft to the touch cums when you least expect it; and it never gets as deep as you would like it. driving in the snow is like eating pussy, if you don't slow and pay attention you could slide into the asshole infront of you!
The world population can be easily controlled if only more women could be convinced to swallow... . . . . . . . contraceptive pills!