यह MAKKHI जानवरों को ZOMBIE बना देती है Science and Biology Of Animals and Fly

यह MAKKHI जानवरों को ZOMBIE बना देती है Science and Biology Of Animals and Fly

Hey friends, we all know there are lakhs of animal species living on our Earth and its ocean, and recent research suggests there may be billions. Scientific research, analysis and investigation on by sicentists and researchers in medical school study different species of insects and flies give us some new, unreal, fascinating and interesting insights on the mysterious nature. Watch the entire video in hind to know more -
Watch this video on the depth of the ocean as well -

समुद्र की गहराई में पाया गया सबसे VISHAAL जीव | The Biggest Animal In The Ocean Depth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mqPgzG7_Qg

समुंदर कि असल गहराई आपको चौका देगी . (This is how Deep The Ocean is)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LktTzH3X-qk

अगर आपको ये दिखे तो तुरंत भाग जाइये और सिर छुपाइये Why Exploding Whales Are So Dangerous - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhFn6MvZlH8

अगर आपको यह दिखे तो तुरंत भाग जाइये और मदत मांगिये! (Run Away Fast and ask for Help)

दुनिया के 5 सबसे चौकानेवाले खतरनाक विलुप्त जानवर (5 Most Dangerous Animals In The World) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl0lcscImuc

ज़मीन के कितनी गहराई तक हम खोद सकते हैं The Deepest Hole We Can Dig On Earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZNXXCNAwsI