This puzzle is called Lateral Thinking


This puzzle is called lateral thinking.. just check it out! scroll down slowly and be honest to yourself. think like a wizard; man 1. ------------ board ans. =man overboard okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it. stand 2. ------------ i ans. = i understand ok . .got the drift ?let's try a few now and see how you fare ? 3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/ ans. = reading between the lines r 4. road a d ans. = cross road not having a good day now, are you ?redeem yourself. 5. cyclecyclecycle ans. = tricycle easy to figure out, ha! 0 6._________ ans. = two degrees below zero c'mon give it a little thought ! ! knee 7. ------------ light ans. = neon light ( knee - on - light ) i'm sure you'll have no problem getting this one. ground 8. ----- ---------- feet feet feet feet feet feet ans. = six feet underground good one, try this!! 9. he's / himself ans. = he's by himself here's an easy one!! 10. ecnalg ans. = backward glance not even close ?!!? 11. death ..... life ans. = life after death okay last chance . 12. think ans. = think big ! ! and the last one is very funny- - - 13. ababaaabbbbaaaabbbbababaabbaaabbbb... ans. = long time no 'c'