Not just a new designation this is a new horizon not just a new role this is a dream run not just another opportunity this is a new sunrise may your brand new job open up new skies good luck
Your company has hit the jackpot by getting an employee as hard working, dedicated and committed as yourself. use your new job as a platform to propel yourself higher and hit the jackpot of your career. good luck.
Don’t think of yourself as a newbie on the new job. always remember that you have been hired because the company saw you as a value addition to their team. good luck.
As you begin your new job, just remember that even the smallest of achievements can have the biggest of impacts on your life. good luck.
Just remember that jobs, deadlines and projects will come and go, but the relationships you forge at work have the potential to turn into lifelong friendships. have fun and enjoy your new job.
I hope that along with your commitment and determination, you leap ahead by taking the best decisions. i hope that with your zeal and hard work, you secure lots of promotions and perks. good luck.
Your new job may be a game changer for your career, but it will be a life-changing experience for all the new colleagues who you will empower with your knowledge and expertise. good luck.
A new job means new friends, new experiences, new mentors, new perks and new problems. good luck in welcoming a new phase of your life.
You can get yourself a university degree by studying hard. you can learn a new professional skill by getting on the job experience. you can get a promotion by performing well in a job. but there is one thing that you cannot get unless someone gives it to you luck, for which you have friends like me! wish you good luck for your new job.
You were one of the best employees in your previous job. i hope you carry on your legacy in your next job too. good luck and have a good time.
I doubt that you need any luck but i’m sure that your new colleagues need heaps of it to deal with someone as crazy as you. please give my best wishes to them.