Beautiful tomorrow never comes. when it comes, it's already today. in hunt of beautiful tomorrow, let's not waste the wonderful today. good day!
Thank you lord for another beautiful day, for opening up our eyes and ears to see and hear all the wonders he has created. good day!
Love, ideas and knowledge are no one's personal property. they belong to a person who expresses them in the best manner. good day!
Darkness is not the opposite of light, it's just the absence of light. like wise, a problem is not the absence of an idea but the absence of a solution. good morning and have a nice day!
Each day you live, is a day to make a significant difference in your life or in someone's life. good day!
'relations' walk lightly into our life and slowly into our heart. at first, we never care who they are. later... without them, we don't know who we are. good day!