One should always take care of 3 things in Life: Promise, Love and Friendship Because they don't make noise; but when they break, they create silence in your life. Good day!
For agood life: Love yourself; Flir t with truth; Romance with your dreams; Get engaged to simplicity; Marry genuiness; And Divorce the ego. Good day!
The greatest value of having good people around you is not what you get from them, but the better person you become by being with them. Good day!
The best cosmetics in life: Truth for lips; Pity for eyes; Charity for hands; Smile for face; And Love for heart. Use them every day to make life Beautiful. Good day!
Support a friend whenever he commits a mistake. But remember that you support only the friend and not his Mistake! Good day!
To be the Subject of jealousy is the sign of Failure; To be the Object of jealousy is the sign of Success! Good day!
One must learn from water: Adjust oneself in each and every situation and in any shape; But most importantly: One must find our own way to flow! Good day!
One must accept every victory with a humble heart and every defeat with a gracious mind. It's the best way to live a peaceful and contended life. Good day!
Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you've become a comfortable, trusted element in another person's life. Good day!
The smile on one's face doesn't mean that life is perfect. It simply means that one appreciates what one has got, and what God has blessed that person with. Good day!
If you desire to 'blossom' like a rose in the garden, you'll first have to learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. Good day!