Most kids take a lot of time to figure out what they want their futures to look like. but i have known from the very start what i want my future to look like exactly like your present. happy anniversary mom and dad.
Years will pass by and one anniversary will arrive after the other, but your love for each other will always be forever. happy anniversary.
Every single day of the year revolves around what we want to do and where we want to go out to. today is that day of the year when everything will rightfully revolve around you. happy anniversary mom and dad.
The institution of your marriage has taught us core values of life, which no other institution in the world can teach. happy anniversary mom and dad.
Your anniversary has made me realize that a movie is not the only place where lover get married, have kids, make a loving family and live a perfect life. happy anniversary.
Your reason for celebrating your anniversary may be love. but my reason for celebrating your anniversary is that you both are like a blessing from the gods above. happy anniversary mom and dad.
Your first wedding anniversary must have been really romantic. your second anniversary must have been really beautiful. but this anniversary will be special because we are celebrating it together. happy anniversary mom and dad.
It is a pity that you won’t be able to have a special anniversary. that’s because each day in your life is special anyway. happy anniversary mom and dad.
Some kids in my class want wealth, some want success and others want fame. but i want to have a life like yours when i grow up. happy anniversary.
With every passing year, your marriage isn’t becoming dull, old and thankless. it’s becoming beautifully vintage and exquisitely priceless. happy anniversary.
We, your children, are the reason why you have a happy family. but you, our parents, are the reason why we have a happy life. happy anniversary to you both.