Technology has made it easier for students to learn with devices new, but nothing can come close to the experience of being taught by an inspirational teacher like you. thank you.
There are two things we never have to deal with bullying at work and dealing with office politics. simply because we have a boss who is just so terrific. thanks.
The biggest problem in having an extraordinary boss like you is that i will never be happy working for anyone else. thanks, but you have really limited my career options because i have no other option but to follow you wherever you go. thanks
It is one thing to be a boss, another thing to be a mentor but a completely different thing to be a leader. we are proud to be led by a boss, mentor and manager like you. thanks for everything.
My monthly targets do not come in the form of numbers and charts they come in the form of praises from my boss. thanks.
My skills and talent would have gone with me to the grave, if you hadn’t spotted them and inspired me to go forth and be brave. thanks boss.
My cubicle feels like my second home comfortable and relaxed yet productive and efficient. all thanks to a chilled out boss like you.
After working with a flawless boss like you, i have started feeling a little left out when i am with my friends. every time they say bad things about their bosses, i really have nothing to say. thanks for making me feel like an outcast.
You motivate your employees, you take tough decisions. you support your colleagues, you are a true inspiration. thanks boss.
From mentoring new team members to counseling employees personal issues. from supporting colleagues unconditionally to helping those facing workplace blues thanks for showing that no matter how hard bosses crack the whip, they need to have a strong human side to their leadership. thanks