To my cutest cuddly love who is certainly my life, ("-^-/")> `o__o' ]> (_y_) _/> _..`--'-.`,> (__)_,--(__)> 7: ; 1> _/,`-.-' :> (_,)-~~(_,)This teddy bear is a sign that you will be forever mine.Happy teddy bear day!
Teddy bear is day of love, It's a day when you find your true love, A day of hearts & yummy candies, A day when you find your teddy bear. Happy teddy bear day.
Teddy bears don't need hearts as they are already stuffed with love. i'm your teddy with a big heart. happy teddy bear day.
I am sorry i am away, I am sorry on this special day, I just sent a special teddy, To wish you happy teddy bear day!
Love can’t be described, It’s meant to be Felt through the way we care, Wish you a happy teddy day, Hope there are more Such days that we share.
To be always with you A life with you, I hope, I dream; To be always with you, How wonderful, It does seem Happy teddy bear day!
Every day is a teddy day, When i am with you, But yet it's worthy to celebrate, And the reason is you!
This is what i want to do, As my love is my virtue, You are special on every single day, Wish you a happy teddy day!
You are in my heart and mind wherever i go, On teddy bear day i would like to say, I care more than you know. Happy teddy bear day!
On teddy bear day, we think of people: who have cheered and encouraged us; who go out of their way to be kind and caring; who have enriched our lives just by being themselves. you are such a person. i'm so happy you're my love. happy teddy bear day!
You don't need words to show that you care for someone. like mr. bean, he barely speaks but he never leaves his teddy behind. happy teddy day!!!!!