Please break up w!th me on a ra!ny day, and meet me under a tree. so when !t hurts and ! can not breath, you'll hear the ra!n not me.
Heard the rhythm of the ra!ndrops dr!pp!ng to the ground. heard the rhythm of the ra!ndrops dropp!ng all around. heard the rhythm of the ra!ndrops drumm!ng on the rafter. heard the rhythm of the ra!ndrops drown!ng out our laughter.
The years at spring and days at the morn; mornings at seven; the hill sidess dew-pearled; the larks on the wing; the snails on the thorn; gods in his heaven - alls right with the world!. l
!n ra!n . u must b feel!ng to go out . dance around . s!ng songs meet fr!ends . jump around . !ts very natural.. . every 'frog' feels the same...
It's been cold summer nights since we drifted apartcold summer nights since you walked out that door cold summer nights with a broken heart trying not to miss you anymore.
Weathers are few but spring is good, animals are many but butterfly is lovely, flowers are too many but rose is beautiful, foods are thousands but honey is sweet an friends are much but u r the best!
I still recall every summer night like it was yesterday; the times would never end and my friends were family. nothing mattered more than the loyalty we had...
This summer may cross 45 degrees. many birds die due 2 lack of water. "plz keep a bowl of water in ur balcony" save them. 93% wont forwad dis msg, will u?. when we can forwad jokes msg y not dis msg. hope dis msg reaches every frnd present on ur frnds list.
! am sure !t !s a great m!stake always to know enough to go !n when !t ra!ns. one may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one m!sses a world of lovel!ness.
Ra!n drop fall!ng from the sky has noth!ng !n m!nd except to h!t the earth. no matter how tough the drop !s, !t st!ll reaches !ts dest!ny.