What’s the point if life rips two friends apart, leaving them to make new friends from the start. there is no point of going through this rigmarole, because life without friends is like living without a soul. i miss you.
Being away from you has brought a definitive and hurting twist in my life’s story. first it was full of happiness and now it is drowning in melancholy. i miss you.
If thinking about every beautiful memory that i share with you was equal to traveling one mile, then we would practically be sitting next to each other right now. i miss you.
Life moves on, but memories don’t. you may have gone away but our friendship is right here in my heart. i miss you.
The one and only good part of missing you, is that i can rewind and replay all the beautiful memories we share again and again. i miss you.
Friendship is life’s biggest addiction. unfortunately, you don’t realize this until you start missing your old friends.
Our selfies are not just pictures that we took together. they are they priceless memories that keep me sane when you’re not here. i miss you.
I always order two cups of coffee when i go out. even the sight of an extra cup lying across the table makes me smile. because it reminds me of the time when you were here. i miss you.
I don’t care whether it is monday, wednesday or sunday, every moment is boring and gloomy when my friend is away. i miss you.
I know that miles and distance don’t matter in friendship. but who’s going to explain that to my heart? i miss you.