24 sweet hours make 1 sweet day, 7 sweet days make 1 sweet week, 4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month, But 1 sweet person like you makes life sweet!
Laughter is the Jam on the toast of life. One - it adds flavor and keeps it from drying; Second - it makes easier to swallow life's sorrows!
Life is good when you are happy. Better when you're happy in the company of others; And best when other people are happy because of you. Be inspired, give peace and share your smile!
What lies on your chest? At 10 - Toys 20s - Books 30s - Your children 40s - Problems 50s - Spectacles 60s - Grandchildren 70s - Memories
In the Game of Life, sometimes people kick us as if we are football; But they don't know that they themselves are sending us closer to the Goal!
Life begins with our cry. It ends and makes others cry. Try to fill this gap with as much laughter as possible!
Whoever you may be, wherever life may lead you - you're always: A Mom's child, A Dad's dream, A Family's future, A Friend's heart And someone's life. Be the best of it!
Yoga Asanas for a fantastic LIFE: Inhale the future without any Expectation; Hold the present for as long as possible; And Exhale the past without any Regret!
The biggest suspense of our life is that we don't know whether the person is 'Praying' for us or the person is 'Playing' with us!
Sometimes we struggle through a tasteless coffee till the last sip. Then we find sugar lying at the bottom. That's life... sweetened but not stirred well!