Life is a stream of beautifully lined up moments. Take a plunge and flow in this stream of precious moments!
Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others - Not realising that everyone has a different question paper!
Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams. Everyday starts with some expectation but everyday surely ends with some experience. That's life!
When you get attracted to someone, you'll realise what is love; But when that someone starts avoiding you, you'll realise what's life!
Life is the way how one looks at it. When it comes to 'livetogether' - Couples read it as "Live together"; Some take it as "Live to gather"; And Boys conider it as "Live to get her"!
Man to God, "Why is life so difficult? God smiled and said, "You people never appreciate easy things"!
If we sleep on flowers, it's called our first night; And if flowers sleep on us, it's called our last night! That's the reality of life!
Life doesn't come with guarantees. Just know that smiling will brighten your face, laughter will brighten your day, and good people will make your life great.