Hearts could only love 4 a while U can put many relations in a file. U can make a desert from the Nile, but U can't stop my smile when I see ur name on my phone.
When somebody who's deeply in love with U tells U that you're cute, beautiful and angelic, it's true. Believe me, I swear coz love is blind.
Be careful when a guy tells U that he loves U from the bottom of his heart. For this may mean that there's still enough space for another girl on top.
U can be a doctor & save lives, a lawyer & defend lives, a soldier & protect lives or simply be urself & create lives with me.
A boy to a crying girl: Boy: You`re the 2nd most beautiful girl in the world. Girl: Who`s the 1st? Boy: You, when you`re smiling.
Boy: Ill climb the tallest mountain, swim the deepest ocean and walk on burning coal for you. Girl: So sweet! Can you come to meet me now? Boy: Mad or what? It`s raining outside.
Today & tomorrow, there'll be one heart that would always beat for u. You know whose? Your own, stupid!