You may be leaving the school but the knowledge you have imparted has been engraved in our minds forever. farewell.
A teacher’s words are the sparks that light up wicks of imagination in their students minds. farewell.
I am angry and jealous, because students of another school are about to get a fabulous teacher while we are about to lose one. farewell.
The word farewell contains the essence of the kind of teacher you were to us a fair teacher who inspired us to do well in our lives. thanks a lot and farewell.
Awesome teachers like you, rare to come by. it is impossible for us, to say goodbye. as we bid you farewell, we can’t help but cry.
Dear teacher. we are bidding you farewell but we our hearts will never say goodbye to the wonderful things you’ve taught us.
Just like how flowers spread fragrance wherever they are kept, teachers spread knowledge and wisdom wherever they go. farewell and good luck.
For you, teaching might have been a job. but for us, learning from a teacher like you was nothing less than a once in a lifetime experience. farewell.
Learning from a good teacher is an experience that can sometimes be more profound than education itself. you have given me just that. thanks, farewell.
Dear teacher… wishing you farewell is the worst thing i have done as a student so far. such an irony, that it is even worse than all the long hours you made me spend in detention. we’ll miss you, farewell.
Cheers and tears, high fives and cries this is the crazy roller coaster ride of emotions that we’re going through, will bidding farewell to an awesome teacher like you.