Better grades can get you a better job, better car, and a better life. exams are worth the trouble after all. good luck.
If you don’t believe in yourself when you write your exams, how do you expect the examiner to? have faith in yourself not just because it is the right thing to do, but because you are the best. good luck for your exams
Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst, just focus of studying hard and beating everyone to come first. good luck for your exams
Nothing can come in-between you and your destiny, if you grab hold of every opportunity. nothing can come in-between you and your fate, if you strive to be great. nothing can come in-between you and success, if you give it your best shot and nothing less. good luck for your exams.
Good luck strikes when you least expect it too. guess what, it just struck you with this message. good luck for your exams.
You have the sharpest memory anyone has ever got, so ace your exams by giving it your best shot. all the best.
Bad grades like your exes. best forgotten, because you know that you can do much better. good luck for your exams
Hundreds and thousands of people in the world give exams every day. surely, something so common and ordinary can’t be too difficult. good luck.
Every exam is a step on the ladder of your life. do well so that you have something rock solid to hold it all together. good luck.
Luck chooses its recipients very carefully and it only comes to those who believe in themselves and those who are prepared to win. so be confident and don’t let the stress of your exams get under your skin. good luck.
An exam is not just about finishing just another paper. it is a chance to do well and silence your naysayers. good luck.
These exams are your opportunity at proving your worth to everyone around you. grab it and do your best, don’t let it pass through. good luck.