A second child is god’s way of saying that you both have been excellent parents to your first newborn. he wanted another baby to be born in the caring arms of parents like you. congratulations.
Parenting is a full-time job. congratulations to you and your husband for snapping up yet another role.
Congratulations to the mommy for embracing motherhood and to the daddy for taking on fatherhood yet again.
If your first child is anything to go by, your second child is going to have the best upbringing ever. congratulations to the best parents in the world.
You are different from all other parents because you are less of a nagging mother and more of a model human being that your children can strive to be. your newborn is lucky to be born in the arms of such a wonderful parent. congratulations.
Just when i thought that your life was perfect, it became better. congratulations for your second baby.
Congratulations for becoming a mother for the second time and thank you for making me an uncle to another cute toddler.
Your firstborn may not realize this but with the birth of your second child, he has just been given the best form of friendship, support and lifelong love anyone can ever have a sibling. congratulations to the happy parents.
The experience of raising your first child will help you giving your second child an even better childhood. congratulations.
I officially declare you the strongest woman in the world to be able to tolerate the pains of labor and the sleepless nights that will now ensue, for a second time around. congratulations to the new mommy.