Whenever you are angry at someone scribble furiously in your diary, hit the gym, count one to hundred, mediate or shout to the wall. do anything you want to but don’t come face to face with the person who has made you angry.
When you are wrong, you are likely to use your anger and fight with all your might. but you will never be angry and you will always remain calm, when you know that you are right.
When you are brimming with anger, it does not mean you are full of life. it means you don’t know how to live a happy life.
Every time you get angry at someone else’s mistake, you give up bits of your own happiness. it is the stupidest sacrifice you can ever make.
Anger can sometimes bring out the best in you and make you shine. but most of the times anger brings out the worst in you and makes everyone around you whine. don’t get angry.
Throw a temper tantrum, throw a fit of rage, throw piercing looks, but don’t throw away precious relationships with anger.
Some of the greatest artistic works of our time have been created out of a fit of rage and rebellion that the creators had in them to change the world for the better. the lesson to learn is that anger is beneficial only if it is used in the right way and good intent.
Excess salt may or may not give you blood pressure but an angry mind, bitter heart and revengeful soul definitely will.
Channeling your anger will help you to focus yourself and break down barriers between people and opportunities. not channeling your anger will make you break down relationships and your character.
Getting angry at yourself for not being able to accomplish something will catapult you to success. getting angry at others and blaming them for not being able to accomplish something will definitely lead you to failure.
Anger will cloud your eyes so badly that you will forget how to differentiate between a friend and foe. so be angry at your own cost.