Sweet choclate home for a friend ´´´, •♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♥• ´´´¢ /λ\\\\♥♪♥• ´´¢ /…..\\\\♥♪♥• ´¢ /•๑۩๑•\\\\♥♪♥• ¢/¨๑۩۞۩๑_\\\\♥♪♥• ¨▓¨.♪♥★♥♪.▓♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪0♥•||| ¨▓¨.♪♥★♥♪.▓¨★★★★★♥۩♥★★★★★★★★★•||| ¨▓¨.♪♥★♥♪.▓¨★★★★★♥♥♥★★★★★★★★★•||| ¨▓¨.♪♥★♥♪.▓♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥•|||…. happy chocolate day…
There are 5 intelligent persons in the w0rld a, e, i, o, … which 0ne is missing??? . . (”,) <))> _/¿_ stop smiling! reply fast if u r genius
(-_-)/ helo g ! <)( kesy ho ? ,//, (-_-) pta hy <)(> kitna yad ,//, arahy ho ? (-_-) / )( ,//, zra v nai
?».•´¯`•.«?».• ´¯`•.«?» ..{} * {} .. ..: * {} * {} * :.. gøød afternoon frïênds «?».•´¯`•.«?».• ´¯`•.«?» ..{} * {} .. ..: * {} * {} * :.. sweet frïênds
.-““-. ( `;` ) (,,)(,,) keya ap busy hai nhi, nhi …-““-. (`)( `;` )(`) ….( . ) to aayein hide and seek khele
Bakra for u’” —————- ——————————-_(\_/)- —————————–,(–(^` —————————-(—-(6-- ————————,(—–/”._–,`, ———-,…——-,(—–/ `–’*-* ———;’—-`”‘”"——–( ———/——————— ——–|———————-| ——–|——–.——-’—–| ——–—–_-’——`t—,.’) ——–|—y;—,-”"‘-.—/– ——–/-./–)-/———`– ——-|./—(-(———–/-/’ ——-||—–———-//’| ——-||————-_//’|| ——-||——-))—–|_/–|| ——-\_—–|_/———-|| ——-`’”——————\_ —————————-`’”-. eid mubarak in advance & must tell han kesa laga bakra take carez khuda hafiz.
^ _ ....; �|_/ �)..; ../_/ ..,=. .. _ �..; �|_/ �)..; ../_/�..|� �����_ ./_/��|..,-.�"�"-._.-�/ .|_|���..0..-,.0�..; .(_(��,�._=>.7.<=-�,` ..\_\_____,;,_a_,-�`-.miaon...mia0n ../�|/..|/..|./..��; ..|�������.| ..|�.,��"�")../...: ..|.(_..\_._|./�.|,-. .(_._)|__.(_._).|__._)
Sweet home for sweet friend ´´´, •♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥•♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♪♥♪♥•♪♪♥♪♥•♪ ´´´¢ /λ\\\\♥♪♥♥♪♥♥♪♥♪♥♥♪ ´´¢ /…..\\\\♥♪♥♪♥♥♪♥♪♥♥♪ ´¢ /๑۩_\\\\♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥ ¢/¨๑۩۞۩\\\´♪♥♪♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥•♪
Taj mahal for u _|_______________#____________._|_ _(__)___________#___#__________.(__) _|#|__________#______#_________.|#| _|#|________#__________#_______.|#| _|#|______#___ tajmahal __#______.|#| _|#|_____#______4u _______#_____|#| _|#|_____#________________#__|__|#|_ |##|___|__#______________#__.*__|##|