Good thing come to those who wait... But better things come to those who don't give up! Have a nice weekend!
Why do Friday, Saturday and Sunday seem smaller than other days of the week? Because they're WEAK-ends! Have an enjoyable weekend!
Working on a weekend is like wetting your pants in a dark suit. You get a warm feeling but no one else notices. Have a nice weekend!
Don't let yourself be controlled by three things: your past, people and money. Have a very nice weekend!
Everything happens for a reason: live it, love it, learn from it! Make your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile. Good Morning and have a great weekend!
Try to develop 5 things: A mind which never minds; A heart which never hurts; A brain which never drains; A Touch which never pains; And A Relation which never ends. Have a Nice Weekend!
If you don't make enough money to go on vacation, just get drunk this weekend until you don't know where you are! have a nice weekend!
Nothing is impossible in life. you can do anything if you have the right people to support you. have a nice weekend!