The direction is more important than speed. We are so busy looking at our speedometers that we forget the milestone! Good Evening!
Life is short and unpredictable, don't waste another minute on people, places and things that don't make you happy. Good Evening!
You'll meet 2 kinds of people in your life: Ones who'll build you up; And the ones who'll tear you down; But in the end, you'll thank them both. Good Evening!
You can't control how some people will treat you or what they say about you. But you can control how you react to it. Good Evening!
Too often we underestimate the power of a soft touch, a loving smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a fond kiss, an honest compliment, or the smallest yet sincere act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Good Evening!
Life is a question nobody can answer it; And death is an answer nobody can question it. So enjoy the question till you get the answer. Good Evening!
We can't upload luck, we can't download time. Google can't give all the answers in life. So just log into reality and Like the status of your life. Good Evening!
Just like the froth in beer rises to the top of the glass and disappears, I wish that all your worries and fears disappear as the evening fills up your glass of life. Good Evening!
An evening is the PAUSE button that gives you a breather before you jump from on part of the day to another. Good evening
Life can be happier & stress free if we remember one simple thought: "We can't have all that we desire, but God will give us all we deserve." Good Evening!
I will enjoy right now and face whatever comes tomorrow with a positive attitude. Have a wonderful evening!